Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weight Watchers Day 3

Mood: Tired, I feel like a bum :-(

Goals for the day: Keep track of my points. Since I feel tired I feel lazy.

Hunger before meal: hungry
Hunger after meal: Full

Scrambled egg whites with veggies! Yummy!

1/2 cup egg white egg beaters    2pts
2 slices canadia bacon                  3 pts
1 slice cheddar cheese                  3pts
tomatoes                                           0pts
red, green and yellow peppers    0pts
onions                                               0pts
Total                                                 8pts
Hunger before meal: hungry
Hunger after meal: Full
Weight Watchers Smart Ones: Creamy Rigatoni w/ Chicken and broccoli                 5pts
Salad                       0pts
Oil/Vinigar             1pt
Total                     6pts
Hunger before meal: not too hungry but ready to eat
Hunger after meal: Full and satisfied

Teriyaki Chicken with rice and veggies
3/4 cup white rice          4pts
1/2 chicken breast         3pts
1/4 cup teriyaki sauce    2pts
Broccoli                          0pts
Cauliflower                     0pts
Total                               9pts

Other points

Black tea with sugar and milk    2pts
1 cup milk                                     3pts
Fudge pop                                    3pts
Total                                            8pts

Total points for the day: 31

Goals for the day:

Glasses of water: 8 - check!

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