Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's been a week . . .

I am still alive and I am still doing Weight Watchers! Yes! Sorry I haven't been on here in an entire week! Oh how my days just fly by. I am feeling very over whelmed right now. More then anyone knows. I feel like I am near my breaking point. I need a break. I need some me time. I might be over whelming myself with things to do, but if I'm not busy doing something I feel lazy and I don't want to be that. I am talking 4 classes at school, I am at school 4 days a week and doing homework 6 days a week. Then I have sweet, cute, little Tristan who is wonderful but a huge ball of energy. Then I have the house and this and that, god it sounds like I am complaining. I must stop.

I am doing really good on my watching my points. I haven't really made any new things. But tonight I am thinking about making Spaghetti with a tomato-meat sauce. I have been craving spaghetti for a while now. Oh! I lied! I did try a new recipe!  Its called Lemon Chicken and Broccoli. It was very tasty. The only thing is, is the the recipe said that the broccoli should be "crisp" and mine was totally soggy, almost to soggy to eat. But besides that it was really good. Everyone liked it!

585 people rated this recipe
Course: main meals
PointsPlus™ Value:    4
Servings:  4
Preparation Time:  10 min
Cooking Time:  10 min
Level of Difficulty:  Easy
An easy weeknight dinner. Great with a side of angel hair pasta, rice or couscous.         


2 Tbsp all-purpose flour   
1/2 tsp table salt, divided   
1/4 tsp black pepper, freshly ground   
  12 oz uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breast, thinly sliced   
2 tsp olive oil   
  1 1/2 cup(s) fat-free, reduced-sodium chicken broth, divided   
2 tsp minced garlic   
  2 1/2 cup(s) broccoli, small florets   
2 tsp lemon zest, or more to taste   
2 Tbsp parsley, fresh, chopped   
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice      


  • On a plate, combine 1 1/2 tablespoons of flour, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and pepper; add chicken and turn to coat.
  • Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook, turning as needed, until lightly browned and cooked through, about 5 minutes; remove to a plate.
  • Put 1 cup of broth and garlic in same skillet; bring to a boil over high heat, scrapping up browned bits from bottom of pan with a wooden spoon. Add broccoli; cover and cook 1 minute.
  • In a small cup, stir together remaining 1/2 cup of broth, 1/2 tablespoon of flour and 1/4 teaspoon of salt; add to skillet and bring to a simmer over low heat.
  • Cover and cook until broccoli is crisp-tender and sauce is slightly thickened, about 1 1/2 minutes. Stir in chicken and lemon zest; heat through.
  • Remove skillet from heat and stir in parsley and lemon juice; toss to coat. Yields about 1 cup per serving.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weight Watchers Day 3

Mood: Tired, I feel like a bum :-(

Goals for the day: Keep track of my points. Since I feel tired I feel lazy.

Hunger before meal: hungry
Hunger after meal: Full

Scrambled egg whites with veggies! Yummy!

1/2 cup egg white egg beaters    2pts
2 slices canadia bacon                  3 pts
1 slice cheddar cheese                  3pts
tomatoes                                           0pts
red, green and yellow peppers    0pts
onions                                               0pts
Total                                                 8pts
Hunger before meal: hungry
Hunger after meal: Full
Weight Watchers Smart Ones: Creamy Rigatoni w/ Chicken and broccoli                 5pts
Salad                       0pts
Oil/Vinigar             1pt
Total                     6pts
Hunger before meal: not too hungry but ready to eat
Hunger after meal: Full and satisfied

Teriyaki Chicken with rice and veggies
3/4 cup white rice          4pts
1/2 chicken breast         3pts
1/4 cup teriyaki sauce    2pts
Broccoli                          0pts
Cauliflower                     0pts
Total                               9pts

Other points

Black tea with sugar and milk    2pts
1 cup milk                                     3pts
Fudge pop                                    3pts
Total                                            8pts

Total points for the day: 31

Goals for the day:

Glasses of water: 8 - check!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weight Watchers Day Two

Mood: Tired and stressed

Goals for the day: Drink 8 glasses of water and eat more veggies.


Hunger before meal: Very hungry
Hunger after meal: Super full
Multi grain waffles smothered in yogurt and fruit!
1 med banana                                  0pt
1 cup frozen strawberries             0pts
2 multigrain waffles                       5pts
1/2 cup low fat vanilla yogurt     3pts
Total                                                    8pts


Hunger before meal: Satisfied
Hunger after meal: Satisfied

BLT with mixed greens
1 Sandwich Thin                                       3pts
1 tsp Mayonnaise                                     1pt
1 tsp mustard                                             0pts
1 slice swiss cheese                                  2pts
3 slices Turkey bacon                              2pts
1 slice tomato                                            0pts
1 slice onion                                               0pts
1 dill pickle                                                 0pts

Bowl of mixed green                              0pts
1 Tbsp vinegar and oil                           2pts

Total                                                           10pts

This lunch was fast, easy and oh so satisfing! I loved it!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Weight Watchers Day One

Mood: Excited to see how my first day goes! I woke up feeling refreshed and excited for breakfast.

Hunger before meal: Very hungry

Hunger after meal: Super full

Goals for the day: Walk for 30 minutes and drink 8 glasses of water


Hunger before meal: Very hungry
Hunger after meal: Super full

Breakfast (forgot the fruit)

1 egg                                      2pts
1 cup Almond Milk                 2pts
1 Hash brown patty               4 pts

4 slices Canadian bacon       2pts
                                     1 sm Kiwi                               0pts
                                          1 med Banana                       0pts
                                    Black tea                               0pts
                                   1 Tbsp sugar                         1 pts

                                   Total                                     11pts

Total points left for the day: 29
Hunger before meal: Not hungry
Hunger after meal: Satisfied

SaraLee Thin bread          3pts
1 can Albacore Tuna      3pts
1 tsp Mustard                     0pts
2 tsp Mayonnaise             2pts
Tomato                               0pts
Pickles                                   0pts
Total                                       8pts
Hunger before meal:Very hungry :-(
Hunger after meal: Satisfied

Weight Watchers Smart One: Pizza Minis        5pts
Hunger before meal: Hungry but not starving                
            Hunger after meal: Satisfied and full

Pizza from Versante                          10pts
Salad and Vinaigrette dressing     1pt
Gluten Free cupcake                         5pts
Total                                                       16pts
Total points for the day: 40

Goals for the day:
Points: 40 - check!
Glasses of water: 8 - check!
Activity: 30 mins - check!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby Sign Language Basics

Many children become frustrated when they cannot communicate their needs or wants. Even infants can understand what you are saying and have needs they would like to communicate back to you. You can help if you teach them sign language. Your child's confidence will grow with their ability to communicate. 

We have been signing to Tristan since he was about 8 months old. He didn't start signing back to us until he was about 10-11 months old.  He understood what we were signing to him but he wasn't able to sign quit yet. Tristan is learning new signs weekly, it's never to late to start. Here are some everyday signs we use with Tristan and some new ones that we plan to introduce very soon. 

I Love You
On one hand, lower your middle and ring finger toward your palm, keeping your thumb, pointer, and pinky fingers up.


1. Place one hand palm up in front of you and another hand (palm facing your body) at your chin.
2. Lower the hand at your face to meet the hand in front on you

1. Squeeze together the tips of your fingers on each hand to form two points.
2. Touch the tips of each point together, then separate.
3. Repeat Step 2 a few times.


With your palm on your chest, rub your hand in a circle.


1. Hold each hand in front of you so that your pointer and pinky fingers are sticking out, but the rest of your fingers on each hand are tucked into your palm.
2. Rotate each hand at your wrist a few times.


All Done/Finished
1. Clench both hands into fists in front of your body, knuckles pointing toward you.
2. Turn hands outward, extending your fingers.


Rest your head on your hands with palms flat together at your cheek, as if you were lying on a pillow


Open and close fist several times



Bring index and middle finger together to touch thumb. 



 Thank You 

Bring hand, palm in, from mouth outwards. 




Bring hand with three fingers up to the edge of mouth. (In American Sign Language, three fingers is the letter "W" for "water".) 





With right palm cupped to mouth, twist wrist out and down from mouth to upper chest.


Place thumb of one hand, fingers, open to chin and tap several times. 




Place thumb of one hand, fingers open, to forehead and tap several times.


Bring hand to mouth with fingertips touching thumb and tap the lips to illustrate placing food in the mouth. 


1. Bring the pointer fingers of both hands together, tucking your other fingers into your palm.
2. Pull apart your fingers, them bring back together.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


As most of you read a few days ago I posted that Tristan had signed, "I love you" to Zac and I. It melted our hearts. He didn't do the exactly sign but it was his version of it. I am so glad we decided to teach Tristan Sign Language. It is so awesome to be able to communicate with him and eliminate some of the frustration that comes from not being able to communicate with our little ones. Tris also signs on a daily basis, that he wants food, milk, hi, bye, sleep, change diaper, dog and we are currently working on thank you and please. He is very bright and is catching on quickly. Tris is also very, very close to begin talking. He says, "Hi, hot, mama, dada, and ball" clearly and he says his own versions of book, button, kitty, Tristan, and whats that. He rambles on and on to himself sometimes and I swear I hear him say full sentences. We have pictures of Tristan all over our house and he runs around and points to them and says ,"Twiten''. Took us a few weeks to realize what he ways saying.

I enjoy each and every moment with Tristan. Yes he keeps me up at night and never sleeps in and needs me to lay with him when he goes down and screams when I'm to slow at getting him his bottle and kicks me when I'm down (funny story) but when he smiles at me or laughs at me when I stub my toe, my whole world just stops and melts away. God I love this kid!!